Monday, February 26, 2007

great neighbors

I want to thank all of my neighbors who came over last night for a girls night. I had a blast. For those of you who don't know, we moved last May, and we have been blessed with the most incredible neighbors anybody could ask for. I have to say, we found out how difficult it was to make jewelry, I have a new respect for the people who make jewelry for a living, not as easy as it looks! Who knew pliers can cut things, wow! Anyway, thank you all. We included a picture to commemorate the evening. What a good looking group of girls, isn't it!

I met with my oncologist today, so I am on for round two tomorrow. Let's hope I keep my lunch down, unlike last time.... note to self, no bar food for lunch on chemo day. I hope everyone has a great week. shawndra


Anonymous said...

You are amazing. The blogging is awesome---all of us at CMH are keeping tabs on you, if you weren't already aware :-). Thank you for sharing with us. You are an inspiration to us all. I am praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Shawndra -
WE are the ones who have been so blessed to have you, Doug and Ella come into our lives. You are not only wonderful friends and neighbors, but you have also given us the gift of appreciation of our families and friends and helped us all put life into a better perspective. Your beauty and spirit amaze me! By the way, I had a SUPER time last night too.

Anonymous said...

I just want to let you know that I am keeping up with your progess every day and I am glad you started this blog. I think about you all the time and keep you in my prayers. You look great!!!

Cheryl Norwood (Hirth)

Roswita said...

I'm so happy to see your smiling face again along with Doug, Ella and your friends. You're in it to win it!
Those words of yours, already are the proof of it. I'm so happy Andrea will be moving close to you all so Gary and Carol can have you all close by to win this life challenge. Take good care of yourself. You're always in my prayers and positive thougths. Love,
Roswita s.